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Plan A Weekend Getaway To Alberta For Less Than $200

What 18 year old doesn't want to go to Alberta to party? In British Columbia, you have to be 19 to do anything fun; so why not go next door to Alberta instead? The legal age in Alberta to get into Nightclubs, bars and consume alcohol is 18 years old, and it's nice and close, you can drive!


1 friend/family to join you

A vehicle

Getting There

Depending on where you live, it is going to cost more or less for gas. I am going to be driving from Kelowna so it would be about 5 hours each way driving, which would cost about $85 each way. If you coming from Vancouver and the surrounding areas, it may cost up to $100 each way. This is a total of $200 for transportation to Alberta.

Gas = $200 (from Vancouver) / $170 (from Kelowna


Hotels can get pretty pricy in larger cities like Calgary, but there is a cheaper way! I highly recommend using Airbnb. You can find a beautiful apartment located in the city of Calgary with a gorgeous view that sleeps 2 people comfortably or more for $95. In Alberta, all you need is a weekend to party and then you can head back home. Staying for two nights (Friday and Saturday night), would cost $190 in total.

Accommodations = $190

Accommodations + Gas = 390 (from Vancouver) / $360 (from Kelowna

These two large expenses can now be divided by 2 because you are sharing these expenses with at least one other person.

$390 divided by 2 = $195 (from Vancouver) / $360 divided by 2 = $180

A fun weekend getaway for less than $200 is an opportunity you just can't turn down!

Obviously there will be additional costs because you came to Alberta to have fun! So, if you want to make this trip even cheaper, find another friend who can tag along so you can split the costs three ways instead of two. A lot of the Airbnb's have kitchens, so bring food or buy some at the local grocery store, which can also cut down prices.

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